Gotta b honest with ya , if she was my grandma I'd wanna hang out with her as much as possible w-thumbs!^ & I sure as hell wouldnt miss any family get - togethers :hahahahah
sorry bout that 69 1/2 i had a series of mini strokes after viewing her photos ..... now recovering and hope another look isn't CRITICAL !!w-thumbs!^
sorry bout that 69 1/2 i had a series of mini strokes after viewing her photos ..... now recovering and hope another look isn't CRITICAL !!w-thumbs!^
sorry bout that 69 1/2 i had a series of mini strokes after viewing her photos ..... now recovering and hope another look isn't CRITICAL !!w-thumbs!^
sorry bout that 69 1/2 i had a series of mini strokes after viewing her photos ..... now recovering and hope another look isn't CRITICAL !!w-thumbs!^